Quizzes ✅
How does this work?
You start with 0 points. You gain 1 point for every correct answer and lose one point for every incorrect answer. Your total points will not drop below 0, so go all out!
Ready to test yourself?
Choose from one of the following and get started.
1. What is the correct HTML tag for inserting a line break?
2. What is the correct HTML tag for creating a hyperlink?
3. What is the correct HTML tag for creating a heading?
4. What is the correct HTML tag for adding an image?
5. Which HTML tag is used to define a list of items with bullets?
6. What is the correct HTML tag for adding a table?
7. What is the correct HTML tag for adding a paragraph?
8. What is the correct HTML tag for adding a form?
9. What is the correct HTML tag for adding a button?
10. What is the correct HTML tag for creating a comment?
You scored a total of / 10 in the HTML Quiz!
CSS Quiz
1. What does CSS stand for?
2. What is the correct CSS syntax for setting the background color of a div element?
3. Which CSS property is used to control the text size of an element?
4. What is the default value of the position property in CSS?
5. Which CSS property is used to control the spacing between lines of text?
6. Which CSS property is used to control the size of an element's border?
7. What is the correct CSS syntax for centering a div element horizontally?
8. Which CSS property is used to add shadows to an element?
9. What is the correct CSS syntax for changing the font of an element?
10. Which CSS property is used to control the transparency of an element?
You scored a total of / 10 in the CSS Quiz!
JavaScript Quiz
1. What is JavaScript?
2. What keyword is used to declare a variable in JavaScript?
3. What type of language is JavaScript?
4. What does the "DOM" stand for in JavaScript?
5. What is the result of the following code: "5" + 3?
6. What does the typeof operator return in JavaScript?
7. What does the keyword "this" refer to in JavaScript?
8. What does the "NaN" value represent in JavaScript?
9. Which operator is used to concatenate strings in JavaScript?
10. What is the correct syntax to add an event listener in JavaScript?
You scored a total of / 10 in the JavaScript Quiz!